January 14, 2014

Zeed Riserless Bar


You guys can hit on the web, www.zombieperformance.blogspot.com and get yourself Zombied with cool 1" or even 7/8 handlebar size for your scoots!! Tons of design available!!

December 16, 2013

Borneo Tattoo and Retro Choppers..

Attended the event held in Kuching Sarawak..met up with our good friends from the Rogue Squadron Crew, Headhunters Borneo Island MC, Gypsy Clan kuching , Burapa MC all the way from Thailand and El Pacco from the Malaysia Bike Mag Chopperrockerz Mag just to name a few. There was a good vibe going on. The bikes was for me an ART because it was custom built and very creative and yea, it was the first bike event held in the Heart Of Borneo the Land of the Headhunters.

December 13, 2013

Living the Life!!

Being free is what we want. Rules are not in our book of life when it comes to our scoots!!

May 6, 2013

Lost by many, Forgotten by none..

Last sunday we have lost a good brother to us. He left us and move to a better place. A very cool dude filling us with his jokes and laughter, a loving father and a hero to his wife. May your soul rest in peace Safri bin Kamis. You may be gone from this world but never be FORGOTTEN!!

May 2, 2013